Gay bars pittsburgh south side

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In 2001, the Gay and Lesbian Community Center (GLCC) took over Pride, organizing and moving the event in Schenley Meadow. In the wake of the Aids epidemic in the 80s, no Pride parades occurred until a renaissance trek in May 1991 when 500 queers and friends traveled to the Point from the Civic Arena.ġ992 marked a parade apex with nearly 1,000 marchers. In the following years, an event was held annually in June, with the parade route changing from year to year. That evening a dance was held at the Unitarian Church.

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The queer streetcar traveled from Market Square, through Castle Shannon, Dormont, Beechview and back to downtown. The day before, Gay Alternatives Pittsburgh (GAP) chartered a local streetcar.

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About 150 marchers trekked uphill from Market Square to Flagstaff Hill in Oakland. Pittsburgh’s first Pride Parade occurred on Jonly four years after the Stonewall riots in New York City.

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